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Sunday, August 21, 2011


So, this was actually the first stop of the LAST SHOPPING SPREE OR TWO... before I begin my journey of no personal shopping for one school year. Not only did I get three great pieces, but I got them at 60% off the sale price! There is no dressing rooming in Kate Spade Tangers Outlet, so Keith told me to just in the back store room and try it all on> Odd, but it turned out to be great. I actually tried on several pair of pants, the bain of my existence since they never fit, and not surprisingly, the pants did not fit at all. Keith then kept bringing me all these dresses to simply model - lmao - I told him I did not want a dress! He insisted since no one had ever asked to try on the clothes in the store - seriously?- so I did and we had a blast. They would not let me take photos, but what a hoot! The first shirt is again, unlike me to buy. Pok-a-dots in light colors. But it was so cute, I just could not resist it. The apple green sweater with the be-jeweled color is also something I would not wear normally, but I liked it, especially with the zebra-brown skirt. It screams Kate Spade. Finally, the embroidered brown cardighan is def me - it is lined and actually fits. I say that because most of the time, I buy clothes that are too big simply because I am so used to not finding clothes that fit. I spent the first hour of my spree just laughing with the workers, especially since I told them My Mission of the day - no one could believe me. Now other customers were asking me why I would give up personal shopping for a year. No one questioned the monetary value of it, but most wanted to know what I would do with my time. That is the journey - what will I do with my time.... only time will tell!

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