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Sunday, August 21, 2011


One of the reasons I am doing this no shopping is because I hope to retire in 6-7 years. I wear a lot skirts to work and when I retire, I most likely will never wear another dressy skirt again. I presently have 56 skirts that I do wear - now 59. I get bored wearing the same things for 186 days, so often, I will just go and buy something new. It is kinda like washing the bath towels - I geet sick of washing the same towels and have often just thrown them all out so I don't have to wash them again! I know, not logical since now I will be washing the new towels... but only until I get sick of washing them! On this journey, my real goal is bring new activities into my life or actually, revise some I have abandoned. With the money, I can travel more and that is what I want in my life now - not more stuff. I have 49 pair of pants, 76 sweaters, 115 shirts, 86 pair of shoes. I did not even bother to count my T-shirts, which is what I live in during the weekends and summers. All three of the skirts were also 40% off at BR, not my fav store, but a stopping place. The first skirt is actually a wool herring bone of grey and black. The secnd skirt is a navy blue strtch cotton blend that is easy to wear - not too tight, but I do not have to pin this skirt on like I do most of my skirts. The last skirt is again uncharacteristic of my style - but that seems to be underlying mission.

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