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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Talk about pressure!

Rachel Zoe just sent me a $250 gift certificate!  DSW sent me a $20 gift certificate.  Anne Taylor reminded me of her 40% off.  Norstroms sent me 20% off all purchases.

Sure, I want stuff that I don't need. HI, MY NAME IS TRACEY AND I AM A SHOPAHOLIC.

So I perused Rachel's site.  I even enter two contests.  The first was for a $3,000 MK handbag.  The second was for a $3,00  recipe. Yep, I enter my portabello  recipe! I can win $3,000 in new kitchen appliances and Fairway groceries.  NO, I do not think this is cheating;  I see it more as CREATIVE NOT SPENDING MY MONEY.

 Here is the real dilemma, the real pressure;  I need underwear.  No, not the sexy kind.... I need the basic, everyday underwear.  I AM FEELING THE PRESSURE!

Seriously!  Forget Rachel Zoe.  Forget DSW shoes!  Foregt Norstroms....OMG...did that come out of my mouth?! - I NEED EVERY DAY UNDERWEAR.

Yes, I am blogging about underear.  The basic, everyday underwear that we girls wear.  Not the "good ones," but the ones you wear when you know you are going to work and then going home.  I forgot to buy them this summer...

So, do I buy them?  Is it a necessity or is it a desire? 

1 comment:

  1. Can you make it until Christmas? Lol! Ted does read this, right? :)
