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Thursday, December 8, 2011


Today I had a parent conference and was caught off guard.  My intention was to get the student back in class, back on track and back to work, despite the fact he is a disruption.

Instead, the mother blurted out a plethora of "thank you's " to all of us and dropped a bomb - she and her two children are homeless. I just cried. I could not speak.  I sobbed the whole drive home.

 I have had homeless students in the past - one lived on metro north train to nyc where he worked from 6 pm to 3 am.  he did his homework, washed up, and slept on the train.

I simply did not expect this today.  All I kept thinking about is all the STUFF I listed I wanted;  the gifts I  do not need. I thought of his little six year old brother who won't have a Christmas, his mother who is working over 40 hours a week and making no money, my student who I assumed had a home with two parents.

I am sobbing even now...

So, tonight, I will rip up my list that I am sure Santa Ted has checked twice.  In its place, a request that we buy toys and clothes for the three of them.


  1. Its a very sad story Tracey, and you will be doing a WONDERFUL thing.....we always "adopt" 5 or 6 kids during the holidays as well.

  2. yeah, Beth. we have adopted families before and our school has many programs for assistance. If you saw this senior, you would not know it. I am still sobbing. I watch certain students - make sure they are wearing winter coats, eating a breakfast or lunch, those things. It is just heartbreaking.
