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Thursday, December 22, 2011


I got my bank statement today, which I usually avoid like the plague.  As a teacher, I have the option to get the BIG CHECK or save for summer all year.  I have always chosen to save on my own - why let them make interest on my money?

A colleague inquired about my Blog and no shopping - she confessed to being a SHOPAHOLIC as well.  LOL - she gave me a gift for my Christmas Cookie Exchange/Colleague party!  She wanted to know if I was really saving money.

So, instead of using the check and balance system of "if I earn X amount every two weeks, and I have X bills, then I have X amount to spend," I actually looked at my bank statement.  YOU do not need to yell at me for this reasoning, Ted does every month.  But...I always have more money than the BIG CHECK WOULD GIVE ME by  summer, and I HAVE MONEY TO SPEND ON ME.

So, the purpose of this post.... I have $5,000 more in my account now than I did last year. 

Frankly, I am a bit upset it is not more... I did throw a party last week that cost over 400 dollars and the Christmas /Eve is about 700 dollars... but I love doing it.

Finally, I really did tell Ted not to get me gifts.  I will need perfume around my birthday - January and then there is Valentine's Day.  I hope that the next 6 months I save even more. I have a numerical goal in mind and I hope to meet it!

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