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Sunday, April 22, 2012


I actually stopped shopping on August 22, 2012;  so like me to be early! 

A Journalism student asked me if I bought anything on the cruise.  NO.  Did your husband buy you anything. NO... well a few drinks, lol, I thought and did not share!  So, you did not buy a single thing on the cruise?  NO. Not a gift for someone? NO. No jewelry?  NO. Wow, she finally exclaimed, after exhausting her training to get the story.

Until this year, every time I ventured on a vacation, I ventured first on a shopping spree! Years ago,  I actually spent so much time in the newly built Target in Alexandria, Virginia, that security was watching me!  I guess they could not believe someone would want to spend four hours there - oh yeah... and actually buy everything in the cart!  So, no, I did not buy a single thing for the cruise or on the cruise.  I actually had six bathing suits, two I did not even realize I owned! I did not need any cute little summer dresses or TB flip flops.

I began packing for the cruise Wednesday night.  I did my usual - throw everything I think I want to take into the suitcase so that the next night I can begin to eliminate items. That seems to work for me;  that and a long list of items TO BE CHECKED OFF. The following night after I finished grading essays, I sat myself down in the middle of bedroom-turned- closet and "unpacked" each item to evaluate its purpose on this cruise.  It is interesting that this is my usual plan of attack, but this time, I realized I really did not need a shopping spree at all.  I actually have more than enough - of everything.  I only took three bathing suits, not six.  I brought only three pants, not five.  I packed eight shirts, not sixteen.  I packed four pair of shorts, not sixteen. 

With only two months to go, this has been cathartic - I still have not worn all my clothes!  I see the worth of my money now. 


  1. It's amazing how much can be accomplished once you set your mind to it. Reminds me of James Frey when he decided to just stop doing drugs. lol

  2. I have to agree - addicts come in different sizes and shapes!
