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Friday, January 20, 2012


I don't know if it's the winter blues, the three pounds I  gained, or the the 50th birthday I just celebrated, but I AM SO BURNING ALL MY CLOTHES ON JUNE 26TH.  I plan to go to our village hall to inquire about a burning variance in the village.

I just can't stomach looking at them, dry cleaning  - I mean ironing them, honey - washing them, and WEARING THEM.

I know... I have not worn all my pants to date this school year or all my sweaters or all my skirts or all my blouses.  That is how I know  that something is wrong.  Before, I would choose an outfit and get it ready.  NOW, I am like, "Whatever. Who cares.  I am not even ironing this; I'll just throw a sweater over it."

What is really getting to me is that almost all my clothes are my favorite designers!  The very ones I miss! 

I just want new!  I am so Jonzin' for new right now!  But I do not want to shop. 

I have learned that I simply do not like to wear my clothes over and over - which I have not even done.  I just like to have something new to wear.  I don't missing shopping.  I don't miss spending.  I don't miss traffic.

This coming week of school is Regents week - a festive four day testing spree sponsored the NYS Board of Regents.  Thus, I will be in jeans - most likely the same pair each day since I am in this"Who Cares?" kinda mood.  Frankly, my jeans cost more than many outfits!

I think what I have to do is fake it  - pretend I care and love my clothes! Maybe I need to talk to them - "MK!  This is so chic!"  "Calvin!  Ah, I have the perfect necklace for  this suit!" Maybe...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Money put to Good Use

With the New Year, I wanted to replace our appliances. The refrig was old; the dish washer older.  In an attempt to get ready for retirement in 5-6 years, I wanted to update them with energy efficient ones.

This experience allowed me to pay cash.

After stripping coats of paint of the stairs, refinishing them and staining them - yes, Ted had to help with the sanding - we realized we needed a runner since the dogs could not manipulate the newly stained wood floors.

This experience allowed me to pay cash.

I was planning to go away with my girlfriend for Easter break since I hate this cold weather.  Ted got a little jealous and declared we are taking a cruise for Easter!

This experience allowed us to pay cash.

By all accounts, I am a serious bargain shopper, so I don't spend all my money on me.  But in all honesty, I would say "screw it" and just buy and buy.  I know I hit thousands because I know in some sprees I would hit $800 so easily.  And continue shopping.

This experience of no shopping for me has taught me that buying was the joy, owning was the joy, having was the joy.  I would buy new stuff just because I hate to iron!

I love hearing about what people buy.  But I love not having bills for improving my home.